It’s fascinating how much the “tech generation” doesn’t know about technology.

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At least when it comes to school. 😂 🤷‍♂️

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This is a good point. I've hit this multiple times over the years in different contexts. I was the "Word whisperer" at work because I knew how to set styles and fix the convoluted things people who didn't understand the software would do to try to get the results they were after.

I was also a bit put off, starting a doctoral program that our first class was a "writing and research" methods class. I thought, "Shouldn't this be prerequisite knowledge for doctoral students?" But no, it isn't always. And maybe you've been out of academia for 20 years by the time you decide to go back and a lot has changed. Citation managers, and the online-centric nature of academic journals, and on and on.

So I think this class, seeks to address some of the same issues you bring up, so we don't spend the next several years slow-teaching these skills.

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Yesterday I did my "Google Docs Workshop," and my students were blown away! It's sad to hear being put off at the upper levels.

Even teaching middle school, talking basic functionality gets me weird looks. 😤

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I taught for a while where we used Excel a lot, and I was always have students say, "WAIT! How did you just do that?" When I was doing something "live" on Excel in the classroom. Often it was pretty simple stuff (I thought) that they had just never seen or bothered to learn.

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